News and Blog

Lincoln Community Larder opens in Wragby

23 August 2021

A new Lincoln Community Larder foodbank service has been set up to help those in Wragby and surrounding villages who are in need of food and supplies. 

Lincoln Community Larder opens in Martin 

18 January 2021

A new Lincoln CommunityLarder foodbank service has been set up to help those in Martin and surrounding villages who are in need of food and supplies.

Ghostly Stories to Raise Money for Lincoln Community Larder

14 December 2020

A collection of short stories by local authors are being published for charity, with all proceeds from sales benefiting Lincoln Community Larder.

Thank you for our new computer

16 January 2020

CSG Cleaning Specialist Group has donated a new computer to the larder.

30th Anniversary Tea Party

01 September 2019

A tea party sponsored by Stokes Tea & Coffee and Lincoln YMCA was held in August to thank volunteers and friends of Lincoln Community Larder.





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